On 13th September 2016 a dissemination session concerning the new Erasmus + project “Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market” (No. 2016-1-HR01-KA202-022160) was held at Nino Bergese hotel and catering school in Genoa (Italy).
The project dissemination was carried out during the first teachers' meeting for the new school year summoned by the headmaster prof Angelo Capizzi.
A lot of teachers attended the meeting, some of whom were new in the school, therefore we had to briefly introduce the Keyskills project which paved the way to our current project .
Power point presentations were used to introduce the contents and finalities of both projects which allowed us to stress the importance of the outcomes and positive feedback achieved so far. A brief demonstration on how to use the online tools and materials caught the attention of a lot of participants, who, as a consequence asked the project team a lot of interesting questions. A good number of teachers and school staff members also showed their co-operative interest in the project and their willingness to be actively involved in its future steps.
Simona Pellizzari
Manager of IPSSA Nino Bergese project team, Italy
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.