Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Piloting at Turiba University, Piloting 28.03.2018

Piloting of A1 modules for second language learning continues. On 28 March, 2018 French and German language lecturer Liga Klavina had a workshop with the first year Tourism and Hospitality Management programme students studying French. This is their second semester of French studies. When finishing the second semester, it is planned that students will attain A1 French language level.

There were six students in the group and after the demonstration of the tasks, the students could choose any A1 French module according to their wishes and do the tasks. They selected the following A1 course modules “Welcome” (one student), “Hotel” (two students), “Restaurant” (two students), “Professional skills” (one student).

The students who did the modules “Restaurant” and “Professional skills” all highly evaluated the learning platform and the course. The student doing the module “Welcome” has provided a high evaluation in some questions, but the student did not indicate having developed her listening skills, grammar knowledge and vocabulary, which might be explained with the fact that the student had prior knowledge in French and her language level was rather A2 than A1. The students doing the course “Hotel” highly evaluated it, but one of them did not enjoy the games. Thus, the students’ evaluation is very useful for us in improving the course.


Detailed results of the feedback forms will be analysed in the course piloting report at the end of the semester.

Ineta Luka

Latvian project manager





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.