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Project Final Conference and Partner Meeting in Croatia, June 4 -6, 2017

The project final meeting was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from June 4 to 6, 2018. On June 4, an international conference was organized inviting local teachers, language specialists, stakeholders from tourism and catering enterprises of Croatia, project partners from 9 countries and international experts from several countries who evaluated the project outputs created:

-        an interactive A1 level language learning course in 16 languages (CZ, DE, EN, ES, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LV, RO, RU, SE, Si, TR),

-        an A2/B1 level language learning course in 16 languages, smartphone applications, interactive maps,

-        a blended-learning B2/C1 level English course – on-line tasks, case studies, problem solving tasks, web quests, etc.

-        an intercultural C1 level English course for on-line and face-to-face language learning.

During the Project Final Conference, the participants learnt the main methodologies of the project, the design and creation of the Learning Management System, the curricula designed, the various tasks created, etc. In order to learn how the learning platform functions, have a closer look at the tasks and materials created and prepare for using them in their language teaching classes or for autonomous learning, the conference participants also had hands-on-experience in specially organised workshops.

Turiba University was represented by two team members – Prof. Ineta Luka and lecturer Sundars Vaidesvarans.

More information on the partner meeting and final conference is available also on:

-        http://www.turiba.lv/en/aktualitates/the-department-of-languages-represented-at-international-conference-and-final-meeting-of-erasmus-project-unity-in-diversity-held-in-croatia/2837/

-        http://www.turiba.lv/lv/aktualitates/valodu-katedras-istenota-projekta-unity-in-diversity-starptautiska-konference-un-nosleguma-seminars-horvatija/2836/

-        https://www.draugiem.lv/bat/say/?pid=1793301870

-        https://twitter.com/Turiba/status/1006889689876332544

-        https://www.facebook.com/Biznesa.augstskola.Turiba/posts/1628165120613971

-        https://twitter.com/Turiba/status/1006889803265335298

Prof.Ineta Luka

Latvian project manager





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.