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Dissemination in Nida, June 23-24, 2018

On June 23-24, 2018 Deimantė Vilčinskaitė from Vilnius Business College disseminated Unity in Diversity project in Nida Culture and Information Centre, Nida, Lithuania. There was an event “Let’s get acquainted”, where people from various countries had an informal discussion, during which local people communicated with student guests from countries like Nigeria, Pakistan, Ghana and Azerbaijan. They discussed national celebrations and traditions, sang Lithuanian songs. Foreign students were very happy about the warm welcome, praised the nature of the Curonian Spit and Lithuanian St. John’s day.

During all these activities UID project was introduced and demonstrated to the students. They were glad to hear that such online tools are being created and said that it should attract the younger IT-minded generation to learning languages in a new and engaging way.


Vakaris Šaulys

Lithuanian project manager




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.