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Dissemination of project for British students at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Višja strokovna šola

On Saturday, 21 July 2018, the participants of the EU project »Placements in Environmental, Archaeological and Traditional Skills – PEATS« took part in the presentation of the EU project »Unity in Diversity«. The students from Great Britain were on mobility, doing their work placement in the Prekmurje region in Slovenia within the above-mentioned project. First I introduced the previous project »Key Skills for Hotel Industry Staff« so that they could easier follow the presentation of the project »Unity in Diversity«. I presented the material for A2/B1 in different languages so that they could see the variety of languages and explained that the platform offers 16 language courses altogether. I also presented the material for the B2/C1 language level. Then I went on with the courses for A1 language level, also available in 16 languages. As they had been in Slovenia for only a few days at that time and they wanted to learn some Slovenian words and phrases, they found the platform very useful. They also liked the variety of different language levels – from A1 to C1. I also mentioned that the platform and all the material from the project will be accessible free for anyone who wants to learn a new language or improve their language skills as well as for students, teachers, people employed in the hotel industry or tourists as soon as the project finishes in autumn 2018. I also gave them leaflets about the project to find more information and contact data. 


Erna Vöröš

Project manager of Slovenian team






This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.