Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Project dissemination and workshop for employees of Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota

On 29 June 2018 we organised a dissemination and workshop for the European project »Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market« at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota. The participants were teachers and employees of the school. I started with a short presentation of the project and project partners as all of the participants had taken part in some previous dissemination events and knew, in general, what the project is about. I showed them the language course A2/B1 with some material and tasks in Croatian, English and German. Then I continued with the language course B2/C1 in English and showed them some material and tasks so that they could see the difference to the A2/B1 course. I also presented the Intercultural in Country module with some videos and tasks to solve. I finished the presentation with the language course A1. I explained and showed that all the modules offer audio and/or video material that helps to develop listening and speaking skills. It also helps with pronunciation. I emphasized that the e-learning platform will be available to anyone who is interested in learning, improving or checking foreign language skills without any payment. The basic idea of the platform, however, is to use it in class by teachers and students individually at home. But as the system corrects and grades the tasks solved, students and any other users get important feedback. Before we finished the presentation and started with the workshop, I showed them how to register on the platform so that they can use the platform when it will be available to the public. During the workshop, the teachers had three hours to check their foreign language skills or to learn a new language. They mainly tried Croatian, English and German tasks on A1 and A2/B1 level. Some of them tried Czech and Hungarian as well. Those who had learned English as their first foreign language also tried tasks of B2/C1 level. We finished the workshop with new experiences and knowledge. They will spread the word about the learning platform to colleagues from other schools, friends, families and other people as they believe the platform is an excellent tool to check, revise, practise, improve or learn a foreign language.    


Erna Vöröš

Project manager of Slovenian team







This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.