Our partners from Czech Republic got an email from the Czech association of hotels and restaurants. They like our project and so they provide us some help with its promotion. This is the list of medias where they have promoted our project.
Pavel Kluh
Project manager of Czech team, CZ
Primrose Mini-dissemination in Vilnius 29 Jan 2017
On 29th January I had a meeting with two university tutors. Olga Medvedeva is a close friend and colleague who teaches English at Vilnius University. The other tutor was Lara Uralova who teaches Russian. She has close links with a university in Moscow. I had not met her before.
I spent the evening with them and used it for a mini-dissemination as they were extremely keen to find out what we are doing in our Erasmus+ project and to explore the material to see what they would find useful in their teaching.
I gave them details of the items that I felt they would find especially useful for their students as well as a list of links so they could access the platform and also download the 4 apps and the digital maps. They were both fascinated and impressed.They have agreed to provide feed-back on their students’ reactions. They took some photos and promised to send them to me. One of them is attached. It is of Olga Medvedeva the English tutor.
David Sephton
Project manager of Primrose Publishing LTD, UK
After having spent first day in Vilnius, consortium visited the restaurant and had a lovely dinner there. The project team took an opportunity to disseminate project activities to the restaurant staff. They were surprised and welcomed the idea of learning new languages using mobile application as well. The restaurant staff liked the e-learning platform made in the previous project and certainly promised to use it more.
Deimantė Vilčinskaitė
Project member of Lithuanian team
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.