On the 17 January 2017 the traditional fair Najdi študij.si – Pomurje 2017 took place at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota. It is an educational fair but on a smaller scale. Slovenian universities and the Austrian University Klagenfurt, different faculties, higher vocational schools and short-cycle colleges as well as student dormitories come to Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota to present their study programmes and activities to future students. We used the opportunity to present our new EU project „Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market ” to students of our and other secondary schools and to future students from the region. We prepared a short presentation of the project and flyers. We also presented the old and new Moodle e-platform on the laptop and explained that the platform is available to anyone interested in checking, learning or improving their language skills. We also made clear that the e-platform is useful for individual learning as well as for working in the class.
Erna Vöröš
Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota
On the 16 January 2017 the teachers of Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota had a meeting where they attended the presentation of the new EU project»Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market« and the work that has been done to date. 30 teachers of different subjects, such as Slovenian, English and German, math, geography, history and economy took part in the dissemination.
The teachers were informed about the project partners, the goals of the new EU project »Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market«, whereby I mentioned that the new project is actually the continuation or upgrade of the previous project »Key Skills for EU Hotel Industry Staff« and the results of the project so far. Before explaining the new project I presented the results of the old project so it would be easier to apprehend what both projects are about. I briefly presented the FrontDesk programs and the applications created for smartphones and explained how they worked. Next I presented the Moodle e-platform for teaching and learning. I showed them all modules and study material for A2/B1 language level and some exercises in English, Slovenian and German. I also mentioned that the modules are available in other European languages, altogether in 12 European languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LV, RO, RU, SI). Then I presented the 6 modules for the higher B2/C1 language level available in English and explained the differences to A2/B1 level.
Next I presented the new e-platform and explained the difference to the old one – four new European languages (CZ, LT, SE, TR). I explained that all the study material and exercises for A2/B1 language level will be available in the new languages as well. Moreover, there will be a new language course for A1 level in all 16 European languages. Furthermore, the B2/C1 level will be richer for case studies for all six modules, intercultural and country case studies, video material and face-to-face tasks. Before we finished I showed them where and how to register on the Moodle e-platform so that they could use the study material and do the exercises. I frequently mentioned that the e-platform is available to anyone interested in languages and can be accessed free by anybody (teachers, students, people working in tourism) who wants to check, learn or improve their language skills. I also showed them the new project website and where and how to register on the Moodle e-platform so that they could use the study material and do the exercises with their students in class or individually. Furthermore, I handed them out the project flyers to provide them with some more information about the project and asked them to tell friends and other people about it.
Erna Vöröš
Ekonomska šola Murska sobota, Slovenia
Czech team was asked by Krajský úřad Středočeského kraje (Regional Authority of Central Bohemia Region), which we informed in the email campaign about our project, to write a text about it. The article was published on 5 January on the web pages of Krajský úřad in the section about education in the region. For more information, please follow this link: https://www.kr-stredocesky.cz/web/skolstvi/akce-skol?p_p_id=56_INSTANCE_8B0fE2LT4wXK&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-2&p_p_col_count=8
Pavel Kluh
Project manager of Czech team,
Czech Republic
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.