Saturday, February 08, 2025
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Primrose dissemination in Forth Inn, in Aberfoyle, Scotland

On several days beween 24 and 29 December 2016 I conducted a series of mini-disseminations at the Forth Hotel In Aberfoyle, a large village on the tourist route to Loch Lomond and the West of Scotland. It lies about 40 miles north of Edinburgh.

The manager was pleased to invite me to run the dissemination as I had done a similar one the previous year and the staff involved had greatly appreciated it.

Being in a popular tourist area the village gets a lot of foreign visitors and the staff are pleased to be able to improve whatever language skills they already possess.

As the hotel was too busy to allow many of the staff to attend a larger group event, I was forced to give a series of mini-disseminations to staff members in ones and twos.  This had the advantage that each could ask questions and each could “have a go” accessing the platform, and trying  the apps and the digital maps.  They found this really motivating.

Exercises that they found particularly appealing were those where they started at a particular point on one of the digital maps, had to move through various streets and then had to say what building or feature they ended up facing.

They were most grateful when I provided them with the links so they could access the project platform and could also download the 4 apps and the maps themselves.

They made a point of asking me to return and give them another session next time I am in the area.

David Sephton

Project manager of Primrose Publishing LTD


Project Seminar at Turiba University

On 16 December, 2017 the “Unity in Diversity” project seminar was held at Turiba University, Latvia. During the seminar project manager professor Ineta Luka and project administrative person Evita Vecvagare introduced tourism teachers with the project web-page and the new learning platform on that at the moment includes the tasks created during the previous project for A2/B1 language competence level in 12 languages and B2/C1 English course as well as some of the tasks created in the current project which had started just some months ago.

We told the tourism teachers about the work to be planned for the current project and how the learning materials will be extended to 15 languages adding Lithuanian, Swedish, Turkish and Czech to A2/B1 course and how the existing modules will be updated by including more creative and interactive tasks. We specifically focused on case studies that will be added for B2/C1 English course and that concern the topics actual for working in tourism and hospitality industry.

Prof. Ineta Luka

Project manager of Turiba University team,



Seminar is given to the Teachers at Yoncalı Vocational High School in Kütahya

Seminar is given to the teachers about the Erasmus + Project ‘Unity in Diversity’ at Yoncalı Vocational High School. The web page of the Project and e learning platform is introduced to the teachers.


Project team member of Turkish team






This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.