On 2 December, 2017 the “Unity in Diversity” project was introduced to the Council of the Faculty of International Tourism.
The Faculty Council is the highest advisory body of the Faculty concerning the issues of implementation and advancement of the study process. It is composed of prominent industry employers, University teaching staff, the Faculty alumni and students. The Faculty Council makes recommendations on further development of the study programmes. It is composed of 14 members and in important cases more experts may be invited.
Considering this, it was a very significant meeting for the project staff to introduce the Faculty Council with the new project and listen to the ideas of what the industry, learners and teachers expect from the project.
Dr.paed. Ineta Luka
Project manager of Turiba University, Latvia
We made a short presentation to the directors at Kütahya Provincial Directorate of Ministry of Education. We delivered the flyers to the directors, they are so much interested in the project. They said that learning foreign language is the main problem in our country. This project will be useful not only for the students and the hotel staff but also for every Turkish people who travels to foreign countries. More information has been provided in Turkish, please visit this link:
Project team member of Turkish team
On the 2nd and 3rd of December 2016 we had a dissemination at Nino Bergese. Mrs Daniela Poggi, hotel management teacher and 6 students presented the ‘UNITY IN DIVERSITY project’ to students and parents visiting our institute during the OPEN DAY.
We projected a power point presentation describing the project's aims and contents and provided detailed information about it to those who appeared interested. We handed out leaflets and replied to questions about our project. The audience's feedback was very positive.
Simona Pellizzari
Manager of IPSSA Nino Bergese project team, Italy
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.