The Czech association of hotels and restaurants brings together 1340 owners of hotels and restaurants and vocational schools. The Association enables exchanges of experience among the members and cooperation with the schools. This makes the Association an important partner for the project the target groups of which are the students and employees from the hospitality industry.
Therefore the Association was addressed with the flyer containing the basic information about the project. The Association responded quickly and in a positive way. The president Ing. Václav Stárek invited us to the Prague seat of the Association, where we were awaited by the manager for educational programs Mgr. Jana Šturmová. We informed her about the main objectives of the project, its concept focused on blended learning, case studies and interactive e-learning platform, which was also shown to her.
Ms Šturmová assessed the project and its e-learning platform very positively. She considers it to be a very good tool for improvement of professional language education and offered our school help with promotion the project among the hotel management and VET institutions. We were very pleased with her evaluation and support. We get an important stakeholder who can help us not only promote the project among the employers but also give us useful advice about the concept of the tasks and functions of the e-learning platform. Thanks to this we can guarantee that the e-learning platform will efficiently support language and professional self-study of the hotel and restaurant staff.
Pavel Kluh
Project manager of Czech team, CZE
On Wednesday, 30 November 2016, Tourism and Catering School Dubrovnik held a project dissemination meeting. TUSDU teachers participated at the meeting. They were introduced with project outcomes, webpage and E-learning platform. They found the project as useful learning material for students.The teachers enjoyed the dissemination and expressed their wish to use materials to be created within their lessons. Information was also distributed via social media – Facebook Unity in Diversity-project.
Hilarija Lozančić Benić
Project team member of TUSDU, Croatia
From 14th to 16th November IPSSA “Nino Bergese” was hosted at Genoa's 'salone dell'orientamento' (education fair), an event attended by final year students from middle and secondary schools choosing their future educational paths.
“Nino Bergese” was assigned a stand in 'magazzini del cotone' managed by students and teachers who were in charge of promoting the school's activities. We took advantage of this opportunity to also advertise the 'UNITY in DIVERSITY' project. We projected a power point presentation describing the project's aims and contents and provided detailed information about it to those who appeared interested. On 15th of November Nino Bergese's staff officially introduced the project during an Erasmus+ conference attended by people working on European projects. We handed out leaflets and replied to people's questions about the project.
Simona Pellizzari
Manager of IPSSA Nino Bergese project team, Italy
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.