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Unity in diversity is introduced to our teachers at Vyšší odborná škola, Střední průmyslová škola a Obchodní akademie, Czech Rebublic

On Thursday 3. November 2016 the presentation of the project KA2 Unity in diversity for the VOŠ, SPŠ a OA teachers took place in the Teachers´ Club.

The coordinator of the project Mgr. P. Kluh introduced the project team that consists of seven European educational institutions and a British publisher. Then he informed his colleagues about the project schedule, its main objectives and e-learning platform.

At the end of his presentation he emphasized benefits of the project for the school, the pupils and students. He can see the benefits in cooperation with European higher and secondary schools and exchange of experience with implementation of ICT and case studies in language learning at both higher vocational college and secondary school.

Pavel Kluh

Project manager of Czech team, CZE

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Dissemination of the project at TUSDU-27.10.2016

On 27th October 2016  our school visited the students of Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje within the Erasmus + program students mobility. Students will spend a month in Dubrovnik, where they do their internship in reputable Dubrovnik hotels, gain experience, learn about the culture and customs of Dubrovnik. Since our school is the host organization, this is an opportunity to show its hospitality, arts and skills. The project coordinator Hilarija Lozančić Benic presented the Slovenian students and their headmaster Iztok Leskovar their project in our city, adding that TUSDU has had a collaboration with SSTG Celje since 2012 as part of the Leonardo da Vinci program, eCuisine. The guests presented the city of Celje and its sights in the Croatian language. The presentation was prepared by Spela Jeger followed by a presentation of the city of Celje and the surrounding area in the Croatian language that prepared Nik Kajtna. More words about a new project that TUSDU has been granted -Unity in Diversity was presented by  Hilarija Lozančić Benić. Students were introduced with project aims and outcomes.  This was an opportunity to present the work of the platform for learning foreign languages within our previous project KeySkills4EUHotelStaff. The students had a short presentation on the work of four applications and were invited to try it out. Finally, they enjoyed the delicacies that our students prepared with their mentors, and after that, our students exchanged contacts and expressed a desire to visit Slovenia and Celje in the same way.

Hilarija Lozančić Benić

Project team member of TUSDU, Croatia





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.