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Project dissemination for first-year students at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Higher vocational school

On 25.10.2016 the first-year students of the programme Ekonomist at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Higher vocational school attended the presentation of the new EU project Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market.I told the students that the new project was the continuation of the previous EU project Key Skills for Hotel Industry Staff which was finished in autumn 2016.

Before explaining the new project, I presented the results of the old project, as it was easier to understand what both projects are about. I showed them the Front Desk programs and the applications, which were created for smartphones and explained them how they worked. Then I presented the Moodle e-platform for learning. I showed them all the modules and study material for A2/B1 language level and we did some exercises in English, Slovenian and German. I also mentioned that those modules are available in 12 European languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LV, RO, RU, SI) several times.

Then I presented the 6 modules for the higher language level B2/C1 available in English and explained the differences to A2/B1 level. We did some exercises so that they could see the difference for themselves. I mentioned several times that the e-platform is available to anybody interested in languages and can be accessed by anyone who wants to learn or improve their language skills. Then I showed them the new e-platform and explained how it will differ from the old one – with four new European languages (CZ, LT, SE, TR).

I told them that all the study material and exercises for the A2/B1 language level will be available in the new languages as well. Furthermore, there will be a new language course for A1 level in all 16 European languages. Moreover, the B2/C1 level will be richer for case studies for all modules, intercultural and country case studies, video material and face-to-face tasks. Before we finished I showed them where and how to register on the Moodle e-platform so that they could use the study material and do the exercises.

Erna Vöröš

Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota



Dissemination at the conference Nuovi orizzonti del diritto della navigazione marittima

 On 21st and 22nd October 2016 we had a dissemination at ‘Sala delle grida’Palazzo della Borsa’ during a national conference on Maritime law.  We presented the ‘KeySkills4EUHotelStaff’ and the new project  ‘Language skills and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market’.

After describing the work already done and showing some photos about the meetings in every country we projected a power point presentation describing the projects’ aims and contents and provided detailed information about it to those who appeared interested.

Everyone was very enthusiastic about it and thought that they are very useful and innovative. We handed out leaflets and replied to customers’ questions about our project.

Simona Pellizzari

Manager of IPSSA Nino Bergese project team, Italy



Primrose Publishing’s first dissemination in the new EU project, 17 October 2016

The first dissemination that Primrose Publishing undertook in the new EU project, which began on 1st September 2016, was at a school in Slovenia where the company has had very close and successful ties for many years: Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje. As the project’s first meeting of partners was being held in Slovenia,, the school was an obvious choice.

SSGT is a catering and tourism school located in Celje, a town in central Slovenia.  On several occasions in recent years the school has sent a team of teachers to Cambridge University where Primrose Publishing has been running a very successful six-day course on “Euro Skills”. The school’s headmaster, who also took part in one of them, was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of these Euro Skills courses.

The offer to hold a dissemination event at the school, following the project’s meeting of partners in Murska Sobota, was welcomed enthusiastically. Its form was agreed with the headmaster who was keen for his top class to take part in a round-table discussion in English attended by one of the senior teachers. It took place on 17th October 2016.

The event proved extremely effective. Many of the 18 students had an opportunity to express their views in English on a variety of subjects related to our new EU project, and in particular the need for hotel staff and others working in tourism to improve their language skills. The aims and activities of the project were explained in detail and all the students expressed a wish to have access to many of the items, especially the descriptions of 50 national dishes of each country`involved, the four smartphone apps and the digital maps.

David Sephton

Manager of Primrose Publishing LTD. UK







This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.