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VBC piloting June 15, 2018

On June 15, 2018 Vakaris Šaulys from Vilnius Business College conducted piloting with teachers from various higher education institutions, including VBC. The teachers are practicians. They have their own consultancy companies, business enterprises, translation bureaus or work directly with partners and customers. Therefore they took great interest in the UID learning tool and said it is a really innovative way to approach languages and their studies.


Vakaris Šaulys

Lithuanian project manager

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Staff workshop on UID A1 tasks June 15, 2018

On June 15, 2018 Vilnius Business College teachers had a staff workshop of A1 tasks in an academic year closing meeting, where many teachers gathered from all specialties taught in the College. Teachers tried out the tasks using tablets and a few laptops; some of them used smartphones. It was noticed that in certain cases formatting looks better on laptops than on other portal devices. All in all, the A1 tasks appealed to participants. They agreed to have a full piloting session afterwards.

Vakaris Šaulys

Lithuanian project team



Dissemination for VBC staff, June 11, 2018

On June 11, 2018 Vilnius Business College teachers had dissemination of Unity in Diversity platform and its updated tasks. 19 teachers participated in the event (on two occasions). They said they are eagerly waiting for the platform to be open for the general public so that they could use it in their lectures as well, logged in with their individual usernames and passwords. They admitted that they might adapt certain tasks and use them with their students.


Vakaris Šaulys

Lithuanian project manager





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.