Piloting of A1 Piloting was done by students at Yoncalı Vocational High School in Kütahya. The students did the exercises and told their opinions about the e learning platform. They Show great interest to the project.
Ozcan Turan
Turkish project manager
Seminar about the project was organized to the teachers from different branches. 40 teachers participated the seminar, they had chance to try and study the e-learning platform. They said they will inform all their students about the e-learning platform and the applications.
Ozcan Turan
Turkish project manager
On 25 April, 2018 Vicente Navas Mesa, a lecturer of Spanish from Turiba University, Latvia, had the last workshop session in which all the students who had done A1 Spanish course piloting were invited to clarify the unclear issues. Just one student has used this opportunity and with the assistance of the Spanish language teacher. The student worked on those issues that were not very clear to him as the student had started his Spanish studies just in February. The student was happy about this opportunity as he had practised at home doing online tasks a lot and now he could do face-to-face part as well.
Ineta Luka
Latvian project manager
A1 course piloting is still continuing. On 24 April, 2018 Vicente Navas Mesa, a lecturer of Spanish from Turiba University, Latvia, piloted the A1 Spanish language course with the first year Tourism management students. The group started their studies just in February, so this is their first semester of the Spanish language learning. Four students participated in the workshop. One student has piloted the first three modules only, whereas the other three students managed to do some tasks in each module. Although they had just started learning Spanish, none of them considered that it took them too long time to do the tasks. As they told, the timing was very good and they could manage to learn many new things and strengthen their vocabulary in practice.
All of them have written lots of useful ideas on the course in the open question space provided for students’ comments. This is very significant for us when we are considering course improvements.
Detailed results of the feedback forms will be analysed in the course piloting report at the end of the semester.
Ineta Luka
Latvian project manager
On 28 March, 2018 Vicente Navas Mesa, a lecturer of Spanish from Turiba University, Latvia, piloted the A1 Spanish language course with the first year Tourism management students, a group of international students studying Spanish for the second semester. Ten students were present and they worked in their own speed. Consequently, some students managed to do only one module but others did more. They highly evaluated the learning platform. Concerning online tasks, overall, they got a high evaluation, too. Not all the students had managed to do interactive games and the face-to-face tasks, but those who managed, enjoyed them.
Detailed results of the feedback forms will be analysed in the course piloting report at the end of the semester.
Ineta Luka
Latvian project manager
On 29 March, 2018 French and German language lecturer Liga Klavina had a workshop with the second year Tourism and Hospitality Management programme students studying French. This is their second study year of French studies, and their language competence level is A1/A2.
The group consisted of five students. However, it has to be said that the students wanted to try also the modules in other languages since some of them had some preliminary language skills in Spanish, Latvian, Russian, Italian and German as well. Some have also piloted A1 English course, although their language level was B2. The students explained it that they were specifically interested in videos as they could see their language teachers in the videos, too. And this was a fun for them.
Detailed results of the feedback forms will be analysed in the course piloting report at the end of the semester.
Ineta Luka
Latvian project manager
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.