On 28 March, 2018 French and German language lecturer Liga Klavina had a workshop with the second year Communication Management programme students studying French. They have studied French for a year and their language level is A1. The group was rather small – just 3 students. They had been using the A1 course created during all the semester and at the end of the semester they had a workshop in which they did face-to-face tasks and they could consult the lecturer on the online tasks as well.
The students had practised all the modules of A1 French course. They found the online tasks useful, and the students admitted having developed all language skills when using the learning platform. They also enjoyed doing interactive games. As to the face-to-face tasks, two students gave a higher evaluation and one student found the tasks creative but not very interesting for him.
Detailed results of the feedback forms will be analysed in the course piloting report at the end of the semester.
Ineta Luka
Latvian project manager
Piloting of A1 modules for second language learning continues. On 28 March, 2018 French and German language lecturer Liga Klavina had a workshop with the first year Tourism and Hospitality Management programme students studying French. This is their second semester of French studies. When finishing the second semester, it is planned that students will attain A1 French language level.
There were six students in the group and after the demonstration of the tasks, the students could choose any A1 French module according to their wishes and do the tasks. They selected the following A1 course modules “Welcome” (one student), “Hotel” (two students), “Restaurant” (two students), “Professional skills” (one student).
The students who did the modules “Restaurant” and “Professional skills” all highly evaluated the learning platform and the course. The student doing the module “Welcome” has provided a high evaluation in some questions, but the student did not indicate having developed her listening skills, grammar knowledge and vocabulary, which might be explained with the fact that the student had prior knowledge in French and her language level was rather A2 than A1. The students doing the course “Hotel” highly evaluated it, but one of them did not enjoy the games. Thus, the students’ evaluation is very useful for us in improving the course.
Detailed results of the feedback forms will be analysed in the course piloting report at the end of the semester.
Ineta Luka
Latvian project manager
On May 8, 2018 Vilnius Business College represented by Deimantė Vilčinskaitė, teacher Tomas Butvilas and several Lithuanian and international students participated in a practical educational seminar in Širvintos on modern career trends: possibilities and decisions. The seminar took place in a job centre in Širvintos town, Lithuania. In it the College teachers and students shared their experience and discussed the related issues with educators of the town as well as school teachers from Širvintos region.
The Unity in Diversity project was also introduced during the activities, its booklets were distributed. In more and more regions learners get to know this project and they find it appealing and providing new opportunities as a modern way of learning.
Vakaris Šaulys
Lithuanian project manager
Transnational Exploitation Seminar of „Unity in Diversity” Project to be held in Turiba University, Latvia on May 11 – 12, 2018
We have entered the last phase of the Erasmus+ project “Unity in Diversity” and a range of exploitation seminars are held in the partnership countries.
On May 11-12, 2018, a transnational exploitation seminar will be held at Turiba University, Latvia. It is planned as a joint event for Latvia and Lithuania. Twelve language educators from various VET institutions of Vilnius and Kaunas in Lithuania will arrive to Riga to participate at the seminar. Latvia is expecting seminar participants from VET institutions of Riga, Cesis, Ventspils, Daugavpils, Kuldiga and other regions and cities from all over Latvia.
The venue: Turiba University, Riga, Graudu street 68, Room A207.
The time: the seminar starts at 14.00 on 11 May, 2018, registration from 13.30, Room A203.
The agenda:
1) introducing the project and its outcomes:
- the curricula and the learning program created,
- the methodologies applied,
- the created interactive A1 language learning course in 16 languages,
- the created A2/B1 language learning course in 16 languages supplemented with smartphone apps and interactive maps for language learning,
- the created blended-learning B2/C1 English language course supplemented with a wide range of case studies,
- the intercultural C1 level English language course,
- pedagogical and technological guidelines.
2) the workshops – four workshops in a computer lab providing hands-on-experience to try out the materials created.
3) Networking among Latvian and Lithuanian colleagues to foster international collaboration and experience exchange.
More information and registration on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In March our students as well as people from hospitality industry took part in piloting the final part of international K2 „Unity in Diversity” project. On online language platform http://esolams.eu/unity they tried out modules of the A1 course: Welcome, Hotel, Restaurant and Professional Skills. The participants tested their basic language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) in English,French, German and Spanish.
Students were very excited to be presented and after having got acquainted with the learning platform. Detailed results of the feedback forms will be analysed in the course piloting report at the end of the semester.As a bonus all modules contain a gaming section in which topic-related vocabulary is tested in an entertaining way.
Hilarija Lozančić Benić
Croatian team member
In March and April our students as well as people from hospitality industry took part in piloting the final part of international K2 „Unity in Diversity” project. On online language platform http://esolams.eu/unity they tried out modules of the A1 course: Welcome, Hotel, Restaurant and Professional Skills. The participants tested their basic language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) in English, Russian, German and Spanish.
They could try to book a hotel room and ask for information at the reception desk in the framework of the Welcome module. In the role of a waiter they recommended dishes, took orders from guests and had to deal with their complaints in the Restaurant module. In the Hotel module they role-played various jobs of hotel staff and the Professional Skills module taught them to make phone calls and provide information at the Tourist Information Centre. As a bonus all modules contain a gaming section in which topic-related vocabulary is tested in an entertaining way.
Pavel Kluh
Czech project manager
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.