Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Final meeting in Dubrovnik

We have been working and travelling for two years to get to the very end of the Erasmus + project that finds in Dubrovnik.  Turistička i ugostiteljska škola made this historic city again the crossroads of international trade. This time, however, there was no exchange of goods but experience in the field of language learning.

On Monday 4 June, representatives of eight European schools and Primrose Publishing involved in the “Unity in Diversity” project presented their e-learning platform offering courses in foreign languages ​​to the teachers from Croatian and foreign vocational schools and representatives of local businesses in the Plat Hotel Conference Hall. During the afternoon workshops the conference guests could test the courses and evaluate them in a discussion. The participants of the conference evaluated the courses very positively as very useful both for the language education of students from vocational schools as well as colleges and for lifelong learning of employees in hospitality industry.

For the next two days, we met only with our project partners to evaluate the piloting of the courses that took place in the autumn of 2017 and the spring of 2018 in each of the member institutions. The piloting indicated corrections which must be implemented in the e-learning platform by the end of June. At the same time, a list of necessary documents and summary reports was created that are necessary so that the project can be finished and submitted to the National Agency by 31 August. The people responsible for their processing and deadlines have been determined.

The finish of our project will not be easy. I hope we will not die under a paper avalanche and on 31 August we will close our project to the full satisfaction of the National Agency and the European Commission. However, the most important is whether the users of our language courses - teachers, students and people from the labor market are satisfied. And the feedback we have so far received from them makes us sure they are.

Pavel Kluh





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.